Take the Ferry to Faneuil Hall
Ferry to Faneuil Hall from Marina Bay.
Ferry Service to Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Faneuil Hall Marketplace consists of four great places in one location – Faneuil Hall, Quincy Market, North Market and South Market, all set around a cobblestone promenade where jugglers, magicians and musicians entertain the passers-by. A great place to stroll, shop, eat, laugh, wander, wonder and explore it all. Plenty of push-carts and retail shops for an incredible shopping experience.
Faneuil Hall is owned by the City of Boston and operated as a visitor center and historic site by the National Park Service. Free admission. Ranger talks of the Great Hall are available year-round. An easy walk from the Marina Bay Ferry drop-off at the New England Aquarium. Enjoy your visiting experience!